Ursa K. Tori is a website powered by pilates and Mindbody enthusiasts who devote many hours to brainstorming and finding new ideas, news, attractions and expert articles in the field of pilates and mindbody workouts.
You can find us at different parts of Slovenia, and we are mainly associated with the love for quality and intelligent movement, stabilization of the body and mostly for PILATES! You can meet the majority of blog creators in Studio Viktorius (click) from Domžale where everything goes according to pilates principles!
We are: Špela Velepec, Masha Košorok, Matija Jelnikar, Katarina Grum, Vanessa Bera and myself. In the coming months, some other pilates and Mindbody enthusiasts will be joined Stay tuned!
From upper left to the right:
Urška Tori Kuret ………………… the founder of the blog and the idea head, studio manager Viktorius
Matija Jelnikar ……………………. programmer and musicologist
Vanessa Bera ……………………… student of medicine and dietetics, a fan of delicious and balanced diet and pilates entuziast
Maša Košorok ……………………… psychologist and pilates instructor
Špela Velepec ……………………….. Ambassador Pilates and Photographer
Katarina Grum ……………………. Physiotherapist and Pilates Instructor
We wish you a pleasant reading and, of course, do not forget to write your comments!